Zero Hour: Campaign Design

Project summary

This project required a campaign design to encourage signing of the Climate and Ecology bill. A University project in collaboration with Greg Bunbury and Zero Hour, this project sparked my interest in campaigning and concept orchestration.


An A2 poster
4 pp DL leaflet
Digital assets for social media

Initial sketches focus on creating a concept around climate deteriorating around us. We can ignore the small picture and day–to–day decisions while we cannot see the impacts so extremely, but with the timely wildfires across UK national parks, floods and wildlife decline it is becoming harder to ignore. This approach has been inspired by various campaigns and design activism, informed by industry and protest design research.

This concept delivered a way to target people in an adaptable way. Bold typography against images which effect different communities allows for a uniform campaign with maximum impact across its distribution. In order to keep the typography at a size which is dramatic, much of the image needs to be covered. For this reason, I moved onto developing a different approach.

In directing the focus through the text, posters can address issues regarding the climate verbally, while being deteriorated by the issues.

In directing the problems of the climate to city dwellers as well as those more closely involved, the call to action becomes more targeted to a range of people. The subtle effects on the text give off an urgency and eeriness, aimed to persuade viewers to sign the Bill.

Leaflet designs reflecting the poster approach of pollution destroying the text.

Digital assets

These digital assets reflect the campaign design across printed outputs for use on social media. Similarly, the animations and score intend to create an eerie sense of urgency, encouraging viewers to take action

The final deliverables aimed to create the atmosphere of a quiet, steady climate decline. The effects on the text are a metaphor to the ways climate change and climate disaster are creeping up on us. By directing focus of imagery to exact environments, the posters encourage viewers to take action before disaster strikes through the Climate and Ecology Bill.


Neried magazine


Bud: Breast Cancer support